Aircarft Registration
The main aim behind the Aircraft Registration Act was to promote and encourage the growth of the aviation industry in Malta. This Act applied the provisions of the Cape Town Convention on the International Interest in Mobile Equipment and its Aircraft Protocol, this convention provides an increased protection for secured creditors. The Act governs all aspects of aircraft registration, ownership, nationality and aircraft mortgage registration in Malta. It introduces rules on special privileges on aircraft, whist aligning Maltese law to various international conventions in relation to aviation. This Act starts off by giving a definition of what an ‘aircraft’ is under Maltese law: ‘Aircraft’ means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface as may be illustrated or amplified by the Minister by regulations but shall exclude aircraft used in the military, customs or police services of any State An aircraft may be registered in Malta and thus will be subject to the laws of Malta; such registration will give the aircraft all the rights and privileges of a Maltese aircraft.