Fiduciary Services
Following its accession into the European Union, Malta has swiftly established itself as a reliable jurisdiction which offers a well regulated legal framework and a vast selection of professionals with a high level of education readily available to get the job done. In 2004 the Maltese Government enacted the Trusts and Trustees Act which created many opportunities both for the Maltese corporate sector and for those wishing to settle a trust in a secure and protected jurisdiction. The Maltese Trusts and Trustees Act is heavily influenced from UK and New Jersey Law, however the Maltese Act seems to provide far more simpler and flexible mechanisms. The level of protection afforded by the Law to both the settlers and the beneficiaries is very high, this is highlighted by the fact that the law will override any provisions which are not in compliance with the Act. The identity of shareholders of a Maltese registered company is publicly available at the Register of Companies. A fiduciary company duly licensed by the MFSA may hold shares confidentially on behalf of an undisclosed beneficial owner by a fiduciary company such as AEGIS Corporate Services. This is complemented by the Professional Secrecy Act which establishes a high level of confidentiality applicable to all professional practitioners, furthermore violations to this act are may be prosecuted under Article 27 of the Criminal Code. This ensures that the identity of the beneficial owners will not be revealed, not even to the regulatory authorities. Additional Safeguards are applied by the MFSA when issuing a licence to act as a Fiduciary. The MFSA strictly controls this issuing of such licences and thus ensures that the licence has been bestowed on competent personnel. The Fiduciary team at Aegis Corporate Services have extensive knowledge in this field and are readily available to help their clients achieve the goals they aim to accomplish.