Our Services

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List of Services

Fiduciary Services

Following its accession into the European Union, Malta has swiftly established itself as a reliable jurisdiction which offers a well regulated legal framework and a vast selection of professionals with a high level of education readily available to get the job done…
Due Diligence & AML services

The performance of the due diligence exercise is crucial at times, especially when dealing with mergers and acquisitions, by exercising due diligence many future problems may be avoided and dealt with before the actual agreement. It is best for the due diligence process to be carried out as early as possible so as to iron out any issues that may crop up at an early stage. AEGIS Corporate Services are…
Financial Services

Malta’s reputation in the financial services sector is constantly increasing in popularity. Internationally Malta is viewed as a secure and stable jurisdiction for financial services with highly educated work force. This success can be accredited to the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) set in 2002 with the enactment of the Malta Financial Services Authority Act, before the MFSA we had the Malta Financial Services Centre.
Intellectual Property

One’s intellectual property may be easily abused of if not adequately protected. Throughout recent years the Government of Malta has revamped the laws dealing with intellectual property and brought them in line with European Union Standards. The services of AEGIS Corporate Services range from the protection of intellectual property relating to technology and software to…
Audit Coordination

We offer comprehensive audit coordination services to help businesses streamline their auditing processes. Our team of experienced professionals will work with your organisation to ensure that all audits are properly planned, executed, and reported in a timely and efficient manner. We provide a range of services, including audit planning…
Back Office Operations

Malta is an ideal jurisdiction to set up back office operations in. Malta offers a highly educated and multilingual population together with advanced telecommunication facilities. Malta offers attractive employment costs and fiscal benefits. AEGIS will help its…
Ships & Yachts Registration

Malta boasts one of the leading Ship Registries in the world. The success Malta has achieved in this industry is due to a well balanced structure of maritime services and fiscal incentives coupled with the Government’s desire to promote the industry and thus providing attractive benefits to ship owners. The Maltese ship registry includes all types of ships including…
Company Formation & Administration

Maltese companies are regulated by the Companies Act, Chapter 386 of the laws of Malta. A company in Malta comes into existence once it is registered in the Registry of Companies. The Registry of Companies is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority which boasts a highly acclaimed reputation in the international sphere. Maltese Law provides a swift and…
Accounting & Bookkeeping

Accounting holds a pivotal role in every business operating in Malta. It’s imperative for companies to comply with regulatory obligations as per the Companies At and maintain proper accounting records. he accounting records must be kept for a period of at least ten years from  the end of the financial year to which they relate to. Apart from the Companies Act, other laws and regulations may apply to specific…
VAT Administration

In Malta, the Value Added Tax (VAT) system is regulated by the Value Added Tax Act (Chapter 406 of the Laws of Malta). VAT is a tax on the value added to goods and services at each stage of production and distribution and is ultimately borne by the final consumer. Businesses that are registered for VAT in Malta are required to charge VAT on their sales and are generally entitled to claim back VAT on their purchases, subject to certain rules and conditions…
Aircraft Registration

The main aim behind the Aircraft Registration Act was to promote and encourage the growth of the aviation industry in Malta. This Act applied the provisions of the Cape Town Convention on the International Interest in Mobile Equipment and its Aircraft Protocol…
Personal & Corporate Taxation Services

One of the main attractions of the Maltese jurisdiction is the favourable taxation schemes together with the numerous double taxation agreements. The team at AEGIS Corporate Services aim at assisting both local and international clients at achieving the optimal taxation scheme which will benefit their company…
Companies Re-Domiciliation

AEGIS Corporate Services can actively assist companies to change their domicile to Malta and can provide registered office facilities; this can be done without the need of winding up the company. A company domiciled in Malta does not necessarily need to be operated from Malta; however certain formalities need to be adhered to. A company domiciled in Malta can…


Payroll Services

At our company, we understand that managing payroll can be a time-consuming and complicated task for businesses of all sizes. That’s why we offer comprehensive payroll services designed to take the burden off your shoulders and allow you to focus on what matters most: running your business. Our payroll services are fully customizable to meet your unique needs and requirements…

Voluntary Organisation Services

At Aegis Corporate Services Limited, we are pleased to announce the expansion of our services to cater specifically to voluntary organisations. We understand that navigating the legal and administrative requirements can be time-consuming and complex. That’s why we are here to simplify the process for you…


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